Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Interview with Mr Papoulias, the headmaster of 5th Lyceum of Veroia, Greece

1) How long have you been the director of the 5th lyceum of Veria?
   It is my 2nd year as a director in this high-school.
2) Is it the first time you are a director?
   No, it is not. I have been the director of a junior high school in Trikala village and this is my sixth year as a director of a school.
3) Can you explain what you have to do? What are your duties as a director?
   Well, first of all, one of my basic obligations is to coordinate the teachers’ council. What is more, I have to provide teachers with whatever they need so that they have in their disposal the necessary logistical means for the classes. Last but not least , it is really essential to provide teachers with moral support.
4) How many hours do you work per day?
   A lot of hours, I am the first to come and the last to leave the school.
5) Why did you choose to be a school director? Do you like your job?
   Yes, I do like my job. After a lot of years of teaching physics at schools, I decided to become a school director because I thought I would be more useful at this post than being still a teacher of physics.
6) How do you spend your free time?
  In my free time, I deal with  syndicalistic issues that concern teachers and education, generally. I have been an active syndicalist for 28 years now, since the day I was appointed. What is more, I love spending my free time on painting. I consider it as a really creative occupation.


  1. I happy to know more about Mr Papoulias it's very interesting!

  2. Mr Papoulias seems to be a very funny man, unlike Greece at the moment.

  3. Mr Papoulias seems to be a cool director !

  4. Your director seems to be cool, they are not a lot to like this job!

  5. You have a good director! My I have never spoken my director, because I'am a perfect student

  6. Mr Papoulias looks like a great director !

  7. Your director seems to be very fun , there are not lot who are so funny

  8. it was a very interesting interview a good director for good people
