Monday, 1 December 2014

Rosetta spacecraft

Our french partners challenged us with a task on Rosetta spacecraft. We accepted the challenge, invited Mr Geogoudakis, the physics teacher, in our class to teach us about Rosetta. He did it very clearly and in details, then we searched the internet  for information on the same topic, in English language and here are our posts about what we have studied.


  1. COMET 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

    67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is a comet with a current orbital period of 6.45 years. It was discovered in 1969 by Klim Ivanovych Churyumov .The comet is the destination of the spacecraft Rosetta with the aim to collect information about the comets environment and surface. The scientist of the Kiev University's Astronomical Observatory Klim Churyumov accidentally discovered the comet in 1969 while examining photos of another comet. Churyumov–Gerasimenko is approximately 4.1 kilometers by 4.3 kilometers at its widest and longest dimensions. Throughout the years the comet has been observed and examined several times like all the other comets found in the universe, as it is believed that they are ‘’creators’’ of life and therefore humanity.

  2. Rosetta's Journey

    Rosetta traveled 6 billion kilometers to arrive at the comet 67P/Churyumar-Gerasimenko. Rosetta was launched on 2 March 2004 and reached the comet on 6 August 2014. Rosetta passed in front of the Earth, planet Mars and two big asteroids,called 2867 Šteins and 21 Lutetia. Its mission is to collect more data about this comet.To achieve the required velocity to rendezvous with 67P, Rosetta used gravity assist manoeuvres to accelerate throughout the inner Solar System. Its mission was extremely difficult because of the huge speed of the Comet(40000 km/h) and the long distance that it had to travel

  3. Eelni Kostopoulou6 December 2014 at 07:21

    Well done Anna and John, goodjob!!!


    Rosetta is a robotic space probe built and launched by the European Space Agency. The mission of Rosetta aims to a detailed study of the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The countries of the European Union but not only them collaborated so that this mission is accomplished as this mission is expected to bring on the surface some crucial clues on the origin anh the history of our solar system. Rosetta spacecraft was launched on 2 March 2004 and reached the comet on 6 August 2014 becoming the 1st spacecraft to be posed in orbit around a comet.Rosetta '​s Philae lander successfully made the first soft landing on a comet nucleus when it touched down on 67P on 12 November 2014.Astrophysicist Elizabeth Pearson says although the future of the lander Philae is uncertain, Rosetta is the workhorse of the mission and its work will carry on.
    Viktoria Katsigianni
